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Planning Inquiry Core Documents: The Queens Hotel, Selborne – SDNP/20/04118/FUL

Planning Inquiry Core Documents: The Queens Hotel, Selborne – SDNP/20/04118/FUL

Core Document Library for Planning Inquiry at The Queens Hotel, High Street, Selborne, Alton (PINS ref: APP/Y/9507/W/21/3289423) (SDNPA application reference: SDNP/20/04118/FUL)

Inquiry between Tuesday 22 – Friday 25 October (plus a reserve day of Monday 25 November).

Appeal Proposals for: Conversion and extension of the existing Queens building and barn to form no.5 aparthotel suites (C1), a Field Study Centre and Tap Room (mixed Class F1 and Sui Generis) and no.1 detached dwelling (C3) within the grounds, with associated parking and landscaping.

Core Documents

Government Policy and Guidance

Development Plan Documents and LPA Guidance

Appeal Documents



Rule 6 Party


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."