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What do we mean by Net Zero and Nature-Based Solutions?

What do we mean by Net Zero and Nature-Based Solutions?

Net zero means no longer adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The South Downs National Park Authority as an organisation is committed to reaching Net Zero by 2030.

We are committed to the South Downs National Park becoming ‘Net Zero with Nature’ by 2040.

‘Net Zero with Nature’ is the collective strategy of the UK’s National Parks to work with nature to combat climate change.

In the South Downs, this means:

  • working with partners to manage more land in the National Park on behalf of nature. We want to increase the amount of land managed primarily for nature from the current 25% to 33% by 2030 – an additional 13,000 hectares. You can find out more about our ReNature campaign; and
  • using new economic models (green finance), such as our ReNature Credits scheme, to deliver nature-based solutions to achieve net zero.

Nature-based solutions simply means working with nature to protect and enhance it in a way that helps tackle climate change while benefitting biodiversity and improving human wellbeing.

By working together to protect, restore and effectively manage the landscape and habitats of the South Downs National Park, we can provide the mitigation needed to reach Net Zero.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."