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CIL & S106 Forms, Guidance & Exemptions

CIL & S106 Forms, Guidance & Exemptions

If you have applied for planning permission or prior approval, the following will take you through the steps you need to take to ensure you comply with the CIL requirements. 

All CIL form templates can be found on the Planning Portal website.

Please contact us at cil@southdowns.gov.uk or 01730 814810 for all CIL related enquiries.

  • Stage 1: Submitting your application

    All applications for full planning permission, including householder applications, reserved matters applications and applications for lawful development certificates are required to complete and submit the Form 1 – CIL Additional Information Requirements  and Form 2: Assumption of Liability Notice.

    You must also ensure you include existing and proposed floor plans; without these documents your application will be invalid.

    If you do not need to submit a planning application for your development (including Permitted Development and prior approval) before you start work you should complete Form 5: Notice of Chargeable Development.

  • Stage 2: Determining your application

    If your development is CIL liable then once planning permission has been granted, the SDNPA will issue the landowner(s), or the person who has assumed Liability, with a Liability Notice stating the chargeable amount.

    If planning permission is granted after an appeal, the Liability Notice will be issued as soon as possible after the appeal decision.  It is inherent on you to check that it is correct.

    To understand whether your development may be CIL liable please see our CIL & S106 Rates page.

  • Stage 3: Assuming Liability (confirming who will be paying the levy)

    Prior to starting work you must make sure you have completed Form 2: Assumption of Liability Notice.  Once we have received a completed Form 2, a Liability Notice will be issued to you.  It is your responsibility to ensure all details are correct.

    If the liability for paying CIL changes after the Assumption of Liability Notice has been submitted, you should complete either Form 3: Withdrawal of Assumption of Liability or

    Form 4: Transfer of Assumed Liability.

    This should be submitted before the final payment of CIL is due.

  • Stage 4: Commencing Work


    This is required for all CIL liable development (including residential annexes and extensions).

    Failure to submit a Commencement Notice at least 1 clear working day prior to starting work, will:

    – Forfeit the right to pay CIL in instalments (where applicable)

    – Forfeit any exemption/relief awarded (where a Liability Notice is issued prior to 1st September 2019)

    – Result in a significant penalty surcharge.

    The SDNPA has no discretionary powers over this requirement. Work cannot commence until the SDNPA has acknowledged receipt of the Commencement Notice.

  • Stage 5: Paying CIL

    Once the commencement date has been reached, the SDNPA will issue a Demand Notice to whoever has assumed liability to pay CIL. It will set out the amount and the date when the CIL needs to be paid. If no-one has assumed liability to pay CIL before the Demand Notice is issued, the liability will default to the landowner(s).

    The CIL payments, surcharges & appeals page provides details on how to make the payments.


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