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  • What is the Call for Sites?

    The ‘Call for Sites’ is an early opportunity for individuals, landowners, town and parish councils and developers to suggest sites within the National Park for development and offsetting up to 2040.

    The site suggestions received by us will be used to inform the preparation of the Local Plan Review.

    The Call for Sites exercise will not determine whether a site should be allocated for development.

    However, it will help identify a potential pool of sites for further consideration through a range of technical work (explained below).

    This will help to inform future decisions on allocations in the Local Plan Review.

  • What is the Local Plan Review?

    The South Downs Local Plan was adopted by the Authority in July 2019.

    It is a legal requirement and stated in paragraph 33 of the NPPF that local plans should be reviewed and updated as necessary every five years.

    We need to review development needs and provision numbers both at a park-wide level and for individual settlements.

    We need to ensure the Plan delivers on corporate priorities relating to Climate Action, ReNature and a National Park for All.

    It will also enable us to address changes in national policies such as First Homes.

  • Does this review mean that the Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs) will change?

    There is no requirement for NDPs to be reviewed unless qualifying bodies positively choose to do so.

    There are three types of modification which can be made to an NDP, from minor non-material modifications such as correcting errors to more significant modifications such as new land allocations.

    Depending on the nature of the modifications an NDP may need to go through the statutory process to be updated with public consultations, examination and referendum.

  • How much could the current South Downs Local Plan change?

    This will be a review and not a brand new plan.

    We propose to keep the landscape-led approach, ecosystem services and the development strategy of a medium level of development dispersed across the towns and villages of the National Park.

    The intention is to retain many of the policies which are working well, with some revisions to policies and a small number of possible new policies.

    As development needs are reviewed there will be new allocations for a range of land uses including housing and employment.

  • How do I respond to the Call for Sites and how much evidence is needed?

    If you want a site (or sites) within the National Park to be considered for development or offsetting, we want to hear from you. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership and could be developed for a wide range of uses. For each site being put forward, a submission form should be completed and accompanied by a map showing the site boundary.

    We recommended you submit your site via our Online Site Submission form. You will be able to provide details about the site and use the online mapping tool to draw the boundary for the site. Instructions are provided within the online form.

    You can also download a copy of the Call for Sites Submission Form to complete and return to us via:

    Email to planningpolicy@southdowns.gov.uk

    Or by post to South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH

    Please follow this link to the Call for Sites page where you access the site submission form: www.southdowns.gov.uk/CallForSites2022

    Additional supporting documents are not needed.  Further information may be required as the selection process continues. We will contact you if this is necessary.

  • Can sites be greenfield or brownfield land?

    Sites for residential or commercial uses can be on brownfield land and greenfield land that is within, adjacent or well related (in terms of access and reflecting settlement character) to settlements with an identified settlement boundary either within or outwith the National Park.

    Within the National Park, this means settlements listed in Policy SD25 of the South Downs Local Plan that have settlement boundaries shown on the Local Plan Policies Map or in the relevant Neighbourhood Development Plan.

    For settlements located just outside the National Park, these must have a settlement boundary identified in the most recent Local Plan or Made Neighbourhood Development Plan for the area.

  • Are there any size thresholds?

    For a housing site to be considered it must be capable of accommodating five or more homes.

    For employment sites the site size threshold for the study is 0.25 ha or 500sqm net floorspace.

  • What information do I need to provide?

    At this early stage we do not require detailed information about your site(s).

    However, we do need a minimum level of detail in order to properly process and assess the site and it is helpful if you can provide this.

    The form includes a comprehensive range of site assessment questions. Please complete these as best you can. As a minimum we require:

    • Landowner/Agent contact details.
    • Proposed development type for consideration.
    • Ordnance Survey location map with the site boundary outlined – the online site submission form has a mapping tool which you can use to draw the boundary of the site. Instructions are provided in the online form.


  • Who can submit a site?

    Anyone can submit a site for consideration providing contact details are included.

    All submissions will be published on our website and anonymous proposals cannot be accepted.

    If you do not own the site we will require ownership details in order to confirm the genuine availability of the site for the proposed use(s).

  • Do I need to re-submit my site for consideration?

    The Authority is already aware of a number of sites submitted in previous Calls for Sites and since the adoption of the South Downs Local Plan.

    However, we recommend that you complete a new form(s) to ensure that we have the most up to date information on the availability and deliverability of sites for all types of development.

    If your site has been previously assessed in a Strategic Land Availability Assessment, please provide details of its reference number.

  • What happens next/what is the relationship between the Call for Sites and Land Availability Assessment?

    Development sites received under the Call for Sites alongside other potential sites will be assessed through the Land Availability Assessment (LAA). The LAA provides information on potential land supply for different uses including housing and employment land uses. This evidence will be used to inform work on the Local Plan Review.

    The LAA process will follow a number of stages as set out in national guidance. The LAA is a technical rather than a policy document. It does not make decisions on which sites will go forward and be allocated for development. Neither does a site’s inclusion in the LAA provide any indication of its acceptability for future development e.g. it does not imply that planning permission will be granted for housing.

    The LAA will be used to inform work on the Local Plan Review. The decisions on whether a site will be allocated for future development will be taken in the Local Plan Review which will be subject to several stages of production and public consultation.

  • What is a Local Green Space?

    Local Green Space designation is a way to provide special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to local communities.

  • If a Local Green Space is designated, what does that mean in terms of planning?

    Once designated, a Local Green Space is subject to the same strong development restrictions as Green Belt, ruling out new development except in special circumstances.

  • Should I resubmit a site which was previously considered for Local Green Space designation?

    The Local Plan and neighbourhood plans already have a number of designated Local Green Spaces.

    This Call for Local Green Spaces is seeking new sites which have not previously been submitted for consideration.

    To see sites previously submitted and the assessment of these, please see the Local Green Space Assessment 2017 by clicking on this link or find more information on those submitted and considered in neighbourhood development plans here.

  • How can I suggest land is designated as a Local Green Space?

    If you want to nominate a site (or sites) within the National Park for Local Green Space designation, we want to hear from you. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership but it must be set out how the site is demonstrably special to the community.

    For each site being put forward, a submission form should be completed and accompanied by a map showing the site boundary.

    We recommended that you submit your site via our Online Site Submission form. You will be able to provide details about the site and use the online mapping tool to draw the boundary for the site. Instructions are provided within the online form.

    You can also download a copy of the Local Green Space Site Submission Form to complete and return to us via:

    Email to planningpolicy@southdowns.gov.uk

    Or by post to South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH

    Please follow this link to the Local Green Space page where you access the site submission form: www.southdowns.gov.uk/CallForLGS2022

    Additional supporting documents are not needed.  Further information may be required as the selection process continues. We will contact you if this is necessary.

  • What is the deadline for the Call to Sites and the Call for Local Green Spaces and how do I submit my completed forms?

    All submissions must be received by midnight on Wednesday 28 September 2022.

    The following online submission form should be completed to submit your site(s).

    Please contact planningpolicy@southdowns.gov.uk if you have any difficulties in completing the online form or require an alternative method for submitting your site(s).


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."