We have begun work on reviewing the South Downs Local Plan to make sure it’s up to date and addresses important issues including nature recovery, climate change and supporting local communities to thrive.
From 8 July to 16 September we are undertaking an early participation stage on the Local Plan Review by inviting feedback on the scope of the review and how people would like to be involved in preparing the new Local Plan.
There are three project documents we are inviting comments on at this stage:
- Project Initiation Document (PID) – this defines the scope and issues for the plan, the resources needed to deliver it and the risks associated with the project.
- Local Development Scheme (LDS) – this includes a timetable for the preparation and adoption of the Local Plan.
- Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) – this sets out how we will consult with all stakeholders, including local communities, business, and public bodies, on planning matters. We are proposing changes to the SCI on how we consult on draft plans, including key principles and introducing the preparation of bespoke ‘Community Involvement Plans’ for separate planning policy consultations.
These documents are available to view and comment on at: https://sdnpalocalplanreview.commonplace.is/
Here you can also complete the Local Plan Review survey. This asks for feedback on the scope of the Local Plan Review and what important issues it should address. There is also a “youth survey” for 13 to 25-year-olds, with the chance to enter a prize draw for a £50 gift voucher.
We are currently at the very beginning of the Local Plan Review process, at the evidence gathering stage. We are working towards a draft plan for a Regulation 18 consultation which we anticipate will begin early 2025.
We are undertaking or externally commissioning evidence which will support the preparation of the Local Plan Review. Currently underway are the Land Availability Assessment (development and offsetting sites) and Local Green Space Assessment. These are supported by the call for sites to be nominated for these assessments undertaken in 2022.
To support community input into the Local Plan Review, parish councils have the option to prepare a Parish Priority Statement.
You can see the adopted South Downs Local Plan and Policies Map 2014-2033 through this link.
If you would like to receive notifications and updates on the progress of the Local Plan Review and other planning policy matters, please email planningpolicy@southdowns.gov.uk with your full name and contact information and we will add you to our consultation database.