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ReNature Sites

The South Down’s National Park Authority (SDNPA) submitted an open call for potential ReNature sites in late 2022 across the South Downs National Park.

A team of technical experts, corporate partners, statutory bodies and landowner partners collaborated to agree on strategic sites best placed to support nature recovery at scale aligned to the overarching restoration vision for the landscape with the Lawton Principles at its heart.

Learn about the restoration vision, landscape, habitats and background for each site.

If you would like your ReNature scheme featured on our website, please contact renaturecredits@southdowns.gov.uk

The SDNPA has a financial interest in particular Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) schemes.

We receive remuneration for consultancy and support services offered to certain BNG schemes by way of a % commission on the revenue generated through sales.

This commission is calculated to cover our costs only and does not alter or inflate the cost of the BNG Units to potential purchasers.

For more information regarding these arrangements please view our role in BNG.