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How the South Downs National Park Authority is operating

How the South Downs National Park Authority is operating

South Downs Centre

The South Downs Visitor Centre is open.

Hours will be Monday – Friday, 9am to 4pm and 9am to 2.30pm on Saturdays and Bank Holidays.

You can contact our team by email info@southdowns.gov.uk or, alternatively, call 01730 814810 

Contacting staff

If you wish to contact the Authority please call 01730814810 and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also email info@southdowns.gov.uk

If you know the direct number of the person you wish to speak to, please dial this directly as it will be diverted to them.

Thank you for your understanding during these challenging times.

Planning applications

At the moment new planning applications are being registered.

Further information as to how Planning Committee is operating can be found here

Planning COVID-19 Position Statement

This statement by the South Downs National Park Authority sets outs our response to help local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic in line with our socio-economic duty.

It was discussed with Members at a workshop on 17 August 2020 and with the Agents’ Forum on 30 September 2020.

It will be kept under review as we adjust to the new normal and prepare for a green and local recovery.

Click here to read the Planning Position Statement.

Ranger operations

Ranger operations are continuing.

They have put together a short video chronicling what they were up to following the first lock down.


All Authority and Committee meetings from the 6 July Annual General Meeting onwards will be held in person, socially distanced, in the South Downs Memorial Hall. The meetings will all start at 10am. If you are participating in the meeting, you will be required to attend the meeting in person.

In regards to Planning, we still encourage the use of the Public Access Pages and emails rather than letters. 

We would similarly encourage the submission of new planning applications via the Planning Portal or by email rather than paper based submissions.

For any other enquires regarding the Committee and Authority meetings please email committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk


Individual and paired volunteering resumed from 26 March 2021. Volunteer Ranger Service groups or ‘pods’ will be resuming at some stage after the 17th May, likely in June. At present, we are unable to accept new volunteers. 


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."