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Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Plan

Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Plan

Rogate Parish Council are preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Rogate & Rake. Further details of the neighbourhood plan are available at the Rogate Parish Council website.

The following stages and documents have been completed:

Statutory stage Further information & documents
Plan ‘made’ (adopted)

The Rogate & Rake NDP (Submission Plan incorporating the Examiner’s modifications and all modifications as per the SDNPA Decision Statement ) complies with the legal requirements and basic conditions set out in the Localism Act 2011 and as a result of the SDNPA Planning Committee resolution on 12 August 2021 has been made.

Rogate & Rake NDP – Made Plan

The Rogate & Rake NDP is a part of the Development Plan of the SDNPA Local Planning Authority area as defined by the Neighbourhood Area Designation by the SDNPA in 2020.

The made Rogate & Rake NDP can be viewed at the following location:

South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, GU29 9DH

Referendum A referendum was held on the Rogate & Rake NDP on Thursday 1 July 2021. For more information on the referendum visit Chichester  District Council’s Referendum page. There was a 19.4% turnout, with the following result:

  • Yes = 79% (188 votes)
  • No = 21% (51 votes)

Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan (Referendum Version)

Decision on a Plan Proposal On the 15 April 2021, the SDNPA’s Planning Committee agreed the Decision Statement for the Rogate and Rake NDP.  This sets out the modifications that will be made to the Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations.

The Rogate & Rake NDP has been modified accordingly and will proceed to referendum on 1 July 2021.

Independent Examination The SDNPA appointed John Slater MRTPI to undertake the independent examination of the Rogate & Rake NDP.  The Examiner has now issued his final report, which the SDNPA will consider.  A ‘Decision Statement’ will be prepared shortly setting out the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations of the Examiner.

During the Examination, the Examiner requested further information to enable him to carry out the Examination. The Examiners initial questions are set out below, along with the response from Rogate Parish Council and the SDNPA:


Publicising the Plan Proposal (Regulation 16)

The SDNPA is publishing the submitted Rogate & Rake NDP for consultation in accordance with Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

The consultation runs from 19th October to 14th December 2020.  The following documents are published for consultation:

These documents will not be made available in deposit locations due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. If you have difficulty in accessing the documents online, please contact the telephone number or email address below.

 Tel: 01730 814810

Any comments must be made in writing by email or by post to:

  •  E-mail: neighbourhood@southdowns.gov.uk
  •  By Post to: Planning Policy Team, South Downs National Park Authority, South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH

Comments made on the Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Plan (RRNP) will be considered by an independent examiner who will assess whether the RRNP meets certain legal requirements, known as the ‘basic conditions’.  This guidance note provides further information on the basic conditions and the next steps for the RRNP.

Submission of Plan Proposals Rogate Parish Council submitted the Rogate & Rake NDP and accompanying documents to the SDNPA on 1st October 2020.  The following submission checklist has been completed by the SDNPA:

Second Pre-submission consultation on the plan Rogate Parish Council carried a second Pre Submission consultation from 20 June to 18 August 2017

Pre-submission consultation on the plan Rogate Parish Council carried out their Pre Submission consultation from 23 October to 4 December 2015

Designated Neighbourhood Area The SDNPA designated the Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Area on 14 March 2013 following an application from Rogate Parish Council.

Consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Area A consultation on an application to designate Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Area was held from 30 January to 14 March 2013


For further information please contact neighbourhood@southdowns.gov.uk

"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."