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Henfield Neighbourhood Plan

Henfield Neighbourhood Plan

Henfield Parish Council are preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Henfield.  Further details of the neighbourhood plan preparation are available at the Henfield Hub website.

The following stages and documents have been completed:

Statutory stage Further information & documents
Referendum Recently the government updated the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations on Referendums: the update can be found here. Part 3 Regulation 13 states that any Neighbourhood Plan Referendum that would have been held during the relevant period affected, will be held in 2021. The Regulations state that NDPs that have undergone examination but are awaiting referendum can be given significant weight in the determination of planning applications.
Decision Statement In June 2020, Horsham District Council published the Decision Statement for the Henfield NDP. This sets out the changes that will made to the plan in response to the Examiner’s modifications.

The Henfield NDP has been modified accordingly and will proceed to referendum.

Independent Examination Horsham District Council appointed Andrew Ashcroft as Independent Examiner of the Henfield NDP. The Examiner published his final report in May 2020.

Submission (Reg 16) Consultation The SDNPA has published the submitted Henfield NDP for consultation in accordance with Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
The consultation ran from Friday 8 November to Friday 19 December 2019

The SDNPA response to the Henfield Neighbourhood Development Plan can be seen here:

Pre-submission (Reg 14) Consultation Henifeld Parish Council consulted on a pre-submission draft of their NDP from the 7 June to 26 July.

High Court ruling An application was made to the High Court for a judicial review of the Henfield NDP.  The case was heard in the High Court on 4 October 2016.  The judgment to quash the NDP was delivered on 13 October 2016.  A copy of the full judgment is available below:

Referendum A referendum was held on the Henfield NDP on 12 April 2016. For more information on the referendum visit the Horsham District Council Referendum results page.

There was a 36.4% turnout, with the following results

•Yes = 94.3% (1449 votes)
•No = 5.5% (84 votes)

Decision on the Plan proposal Horsham District Council agreed the Decision Statement for the Henfield NDP. This sets out the modifications that will be made to the plan in response to the Examiner’s modifications

The Henfield NDP has been modified accordingly and will proceed to referendum on 12 April 2016

Independent Examination

Horsham District Council appointed Clare B Wright as the independent Examiner of the Henfield NDP. The Examiner assessed whether the Henfield NDP meets certain legal requirements, known as the ‘basic conditions’ and considered representations made on the Henfield NDP.

The Examiner has now issued their final report, which the SDNPA will now consider and will issue a ‘Decision Statement’ in due course setting out the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations of the Examiner.

Re-Publicising a Plan proposal Horsham District Council re-published the submitted Henfield NDP for consultation from 9 October to 20 November 2015. The following documents were submitted for consultation

Re-Submission of the Plan proposals Henfield Parish Council re-submitted the Henfield NDP and accompanying documents to Horsham District Council in October 2015.
Publicising a Plan proposal Horsham District Council published the submitted Henfield NDP for consultation from 30 March to 11 May 2015. The following documents were submitted for consultation

The SDNPA made the following representation on the Henfield NDP during the consultation period

A summary of the other representations received from the submission (Regulation 16) consultation on the Henfield NDP can be found on the Horsham District Council’s website

Submission of the Plan proposals Henfield Parish Council submitted the Henfield NDP and accompanying documents to Horsham District Council in March 2015.
Pre-submission consultation on the plan Henfield Parish Council carried out their Pre Submission consultation from 5 December to 23 January 2015

Designated Neighbourhood Area The SDNPA designated the area of Henfield Neighbourhood Area on 10 December 2013 within the South Downs National Park following an application from Henfield Parish Council.

Consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Area A consultation on an application to designate Henfield Neighbourhood Area was held from 9 September to 21 October 2013

For further information please contact neighbourhood@southdowns.gov.uk

"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."