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How to use the maps?

How to use the maps?


The Local Plan Overview Policies Map contains all the policies in the Local Plan for which there is a site or location identified, for example housing sites, strategic sites and safeguarded non-motorised travel routes.  It includes nature conservation designations, historic and coastal designations and other areas supported by policy in the Local Plan.

The Local Plan Policies Inset Maps are presented for each area that has a settlement boundary listed under policy SD25, has a made Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) or has another allocation made in the Local Plan.

They are divided into three groups:

  1. Local Plan inset maps, indicated by a red box. These are areas for which an allocation has been made in the Local Plan.
  2. NDP inset maps, indicated by a green box. These are areas for which an NDP has been made.
  3. Local Plan/NDP inset maps, indicated by a blue box. These are areas for which an allocation has been made in the Local Plan AND an NDP has been made.

The EcoServ and Landscape Character Area maps contain information that supports several policies in the Local Plan.

  • To access the maps

    1. Local Plan Overview Policies Map
    i. Open the Local Plan Overview Policies Map by viewing it here.

    2. Local Plan inset maps:
    i. Open the Local Plan Overview Policies Map.
    ii. If you know which box covers the area you are interested in, click on it.

    • A pop up box will appear. Using the small arrow at the top right of this box, scroll through until you reach the title ‘Inset Map Extent’.
    • Click on ‘Zoom to’ at the bottom of the pop up box.

    iii. If you do not know which box covers your area of interest, use the ‘find address or place’ search bar at the top left of the map.

    • Type in your location, for example ‘Midhurst’, and choose the correct address from the drop down list.
    • Press the magnifying glass to zoom to this location.

    3. NDP and Local Plan/NDP inset maps.
    These can be accessed in one of two ways:

    i. Use the direct link provided here; OR,
    ii. Open the Local Plan Overview Policies Map.

    • If you know which box covers the area you are interested in, click on it.
    • A pop up box will appear. Using the small arrow at the top right of this box, scroll through until you reach the title ‘Inset Map Extent’.
    • Click on ‘More info’ next to ‘Click for NDP map’ in the pop up box. This will open the NDP map in a new tab.

    4. EcoServ and Landscape Qualities maps:
    i. Use the individual links provided here.

  • To navigate the maps

    1. Use the + and buttons to zoom in and out.
    2. Press and hold your cursor to drag or pan around the map.
    3. Press the ‘home’ button (indicated by a house) to return to the full extent of the map.

  • To interact with the maps – for the Overview and Inset maps ONLY

    1. The legend will open automatically.
    i. To close it, press the x at the top right of the legend box.
    ii. To minimise it, press the up arrows button.

      2. You can access the layers used in the maps.
      There are three groups of layers; group 3 only appears on NDP maps:

      • Group 1: Local Plan layers.
      • Group 2: Other designations layers (for example nature conservation designations).
      • Group 3: NDP layers.

      i. Click on a layer group button to open it.
      ii. Click on the three dots next to a layer item to access the transparency and zoom to features:
      a. To ‘zoom to’ the full extent of a layer, click on ‘zoom to’.
      b. To adjust the transparency, click on ‘transparency’ and use the slider to adjust the transparency.

      iii. Click on the blue tick next to the layer to turn it off and on.

      3. You can access information about the features you can see on the map.
      i. Click on a feature you are interested in. A pop up box will appear.
      ii. Use the small arrow at the top right of the pop up box to scroll through to the feature you are interested in.
      iii. The information you are presented with will depend on the feature you have clicked on. For all Local Plan and NDP features, you will have a ‘Link’ available. Click this to access the correct page in the Local Plan or NDP for that policy feature.

      *Please note that some browsers will only take you to the first page of the Local Plan or NDP*

      4. Use the links in the top of the map window to access supporting websites and files, for example the Local Plan website or the PDF version of the NDP map you are viewing.

      5. Click on the SDNPA logo to access the SDNPA website.

      6. The info button (indicated by an ‘i’) will present you with brief information about the map.

    1. To interact with the EcoServ and Landscape Character Area maps

      1. There are three tabs across the top of these maps. Each tab presents different information:
      i. Tab 1 shows Capacity.
      ii. Tab 2 shows Demand.
      iii. Tab 3 shows Management Zones.
      Refer to the information presented here for a description of each.

      Landscape Character Area
      i. Tab 1 shows the South Downs Integrated Landscape Character Assessment
      ii. Tab 2 shows the Dark Night Sky Zones
      iii. Tab 3 shows Tranquility.

      2. If you zoom in or pan around the map in one tab, your updated location will be replicated in the other tabs.

      3. The box on the left hand side contains some information that supports these maps along with, in some cases, links to the relevant pages of the SDNPA website.

      4. In the EcoServ maps, there is a supporting graphic. To make this bigger, click on the expand button at the top right of the graphic.

      5. The legend is visible on the left hand side but cannot be switched off.


    "The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."