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West Sussex Minerals and Waste Plans

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) works in partnership with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) on minerals and waste planning policy matters for the part of the National Park that falls within West Sussex.  Together, the Authorities have prepared and adopted:

  • The West Sussex Waste Local Plan (WLP); and
  • The West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan (JMLP).

West Sussex Waste Local Plan (WLP) [2031]

The West Sussex Waste Local Plan (WLP) was adopted by both Authorities in April 2014 and covers the period up to 2031.  It is the most up-to-date statement of land use planning policy for waste in West Sussex.

The WLP includes an aspiration to become a zero waste to landfill county.

The WLP sets out four key areas which will help to shape the future of waste management in West Sussex:

  • A vision and strategic objectives for sustainable waste management.
  • Policies W1-9: Policies to achieve the strategic objectives for the management of different waste types.
  • Policy W10: Six site allocations to help meet the need for new waste facilities.
  • Policies W11-23: Development management policies to ensure no unacceptable harm to the environment, economy, or communities of West Sussex.

The WLP was subject to a five-year assessment in 2019 and 2024, as required by national policy.  The purpose of these assessments was to consider whether the Plan remains relevant and effective, or if changes are required by way of updates to the Plan either in whole or in part.  The outcome of the assessments is that the Plan remains relevant and effective and, as such, no update is required at this time.  The Plan will continue to be monitored, and outcomes reported, through the West Sussex Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR) and a further assessment undertaken in five years’ time.  An early review may be triggered if indicated through monitoring.

The Adopted WLP – together with all the associated Background Documents, Inspector’s Report,  and Five Year Assessments – can be viewed on the West Sussex County Council (WSCC) website.

West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan (JMLP) [2033]

The West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan (JMLP) was adopted by both Authorities in July 2018 and covers the period up to 2033.  Following a Soft Sand Review (SSR) of the JMLP, formal revisions were adopted in March 2021.  The JMLP is the most up-to-date statement of land use planning policy for minerals in West Sussex.

The JMLP sets out four key areas which will help shape the future of minerals activities in West Sussex:

  • A vision and strategic objectives for sustainable minerals development.
  • Policies M1-10: Policies to achieve the strategic objectives for minerals development.
  • Policy M11: Four site allocations to help meet the need for soft sand and brick making clay.
  • Policies M12-26: Development management policies to ensure no unacceptable harm to the environment, economy, or communities of West Sussex.

The JMLP was subject to a five-year assessment in 2023, as required by national policy.  The purpose of the assessment was to assess whether the Plan remains relevant and effective, or if changes are required by way of updates to the Plan either in whole or in part.  The outcome of the assessment is that the Plan remains relevant and effective and, as such, no update is required at this time.  The Plan will continue to be monitored, and outcomes reported, through the West Sussex Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR) and a further assessment undertaken in five-years’ time. An early review may be triggered if indicated through monitoring.

The Adopted JMLP – together with all the associated Background Documents, Inspector’s Report, Soft Sand Review, and Five Year Assessments – can be viewed on the West Sussex County Council (WSCC) website.