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Publications Scheme

Publications Scheme

We maintain a Publication Scheme as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This lists the types of information available and where the information can be accessed. Where possible, information will be published online and free of charge.

Still can’t find it?

If you can’t find the type of information you’re looking for, please try searching this website. You can also contact us at:

Freedom of Information Requests
South Downs National Park Authority
South Downs Centre
North Street
Midhurst, West Sussex
GU29 9DH

Tel: 01730 814810
Email: info@southdowns.gov.uk

We will review requests for additional information not included in this publication scheme and consider adding new items when the scheme is reviewed at a later date.

We also welcome suggestions as to how the publications themselves might be improved.

  • Excluded Information

    The public rights to information held by the Authority are defined in numerous pieces of legislation as indicated below.  If you make a request for information the Authority will try to provide it, subject to the conditions and exemptions set out in the relevant legislation.

    Excluded information includes that defined as exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 itself, along with that in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended); the Environmental Information Regulations 2004; the Accounts and Audit Regulations 1983 (updated 1996) and all information relating to private individuals by virtue of it being personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998. In addition, a class of information may set out a range of information which the Authority is excluding from publication. Where that is the case the reasons behind the decision to exclude are clearly stated.

    In some classes a limitation on the age of some documents is stipulated. This does not necessarily mean information beyond that date cannot be obtained.  It simply indicates that it is not available as a matter of course within the publication scheme. Requests for information that are manifestly unreasonable to comply with by nature of being too general or vague or which would require excessive time to deal with can also be excluded.

  • Our policies and procedures

    Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.

    We would expect information in this class to be current information only.

    • Policies and procedures for the conduct of the business of the authority
    • Policies and procedures for the provision of services
    • Policies and procedures for the recruitment and employment of staff

    Codes of practice, memoranda of understanding and similar information should be included. A number of policies, for example equality and diversity, and health and safety, will cover both the provision of services and the employment of staff. If vacancies are advertised as part of recruitment

    policies, details of current vacancies will be readily available. Policies and procedures for handling requests for information should be included.

    Standards for providing services to the authority’s customers, including the complaint procedure. Complaints procedures will include those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme.

    • Internal instructions, manuals and guidelines

    Where access to internal instructions, manuals and guidelines for dealing with the business of the authority would assist public understanding of the way decisions are made these should be readily available. We would not expect information that might damage the operations of the department to be revealed.

    • Records management and personal data policies

    This will include information security policies, records retention, destruction

    and archive policies, and data protection (including data sharing) policies.

    • Charging regimes and policies

    Details of any statutory charging regimes should be provided. Charging policies should include charges made for information routinely published and clearly state what costs are to be recovered together with the basis on which they are made and how they are calculated.

  • Lists and registers

    We expect this to be information contained only in currently maintained lists and registers.

    • Public registers and registers held as public records.

    Where an authority is obliged to maintain a register and to make the information in it available for inspection by the public, it is accepted that in most circumstances that the existing provisions covering access will suffice.

    We would expect however that authorities do publicise which public registers they hold and how the information in them is to be made public. Where registers contain personal information, authorities must ensure that this is protected by the data protection principles.

    • Asset registers and information asset register

    We would not expect authorities to publish all details from all asset registers.

    We would expect some information from capital asset registers to be available. If an authority has prepared an information asset register for the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, it should publish the contents.

    • FOIA disclosure logs

    Where an authority produces an information disclosure log indicating the information that has been provided in response to requests it should be readily available. Disclosure logs are themselves recommended as good practice.

    • Register of gifts and hospitality provided to members of the authority and senior personnel
    • Any register of interests kept in the authority
    • Other lists required by law
  • The services we offer

    Information about the services we offer including leaflets, guidance and newsletters.

    Generally this is an extension of part of the first class of information. While the first class provides information on the roles and responsibilities of the authority, this class includes details of the services which are currently provided by the authority. The starting point would normally be a list or lists of the services that fall within the responsibility of the authority, linked to details of these services.



"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."