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16/2/2025: Goodwood Star Party postponed

Due to poor visibility, we've made the decision to postpone tonight's Star Party at Goodwood. The new date will be Wednesday 19 February.

South Downs Dark Skies Festival 2025


Due to expected poor visibility, the Star Party at Goodwood on Sunday 16 February has been postponed.

We hope for the event to go ahead on Wednesday 19 February at the same time.

Please check the website and social media for updates on the day.

The South Downs Dark Skies Festival is back for 2025.

Running between Thursday 13 to Sunday 23 February, the festival will feature a host of events.

2025’s theme is “Glimmers.” 

We will celebrate the sparkling lights of the stars, planets, meteors and moon in the night sky, the flashes of encounters with nocturnal wildlife, the bioluminescence of glow worms and biofluorescence of other life.

This year’s Festival is also about becoming aware of the small, positive moments in our lives that don’t have to be big or dramatic but moments that encourage feelings of happiness, contentment, peace, joy, wonder and awe.


Listed below are the main events being run by South Downs National Park Authority but there are a host of other partner led events to get involved in during the festival. For full details see the Dark Skies Festival 2025 programme with all Dark Skies Festival events also listed in our What’s On calendar.

Saturday 15 February – 18:00-20:30

Walk the Planets and Star Party at Seven Sisters Country Park

Free activities, no booking required

Join us to “Walk the Planets” at the iconic Seven Sisters Country Park. This short, accessible trail will see the planets laid out to scale and includes an audio trail. There will also be stargazing with Lewes Astronomical Society, storytelling, VR headsets and games, and award-winning astrophotography. “Dark Skies” Dan Oakley will be giving a talk on the history of the universe using the South Downs Way, and Prof. Robert Massey, Deputy Executive Director of the Royal Astronomical Society, will be talking about “The Moon: Art, Science and Culture”. You can also enjoy the visitor centre and grab a special deal hot drink and snack. An event for the whole family. More details

Night walk (Booking required)

Join South Downs staff for a night walk around Seven Sisters Country Park. We’ll bring UV torches to look for biofluorescent beasties and keep an eye and ear out for other nocturnal wildlife. This 1-hour walk will be a gentle stroll of no more than 3km around the woodland looking and listening out for various nocturnal creatures and being out at night. Booking required. More details.

Sunday 16 February – 18:30-20:30 – POSTPONED

Star Party at Goodwood Country Park

Free activity, no booking required

Join National Park staff and the South Downs Planetarium for a free event exploring the night sky at Counters Gate Park, Goodwood. So long as the night is clear, there will be telescopes available to look through with expert guidance. (Backup date Wednesday 19 February)  More details

Tuesday 18 February – 18:00-20:30

Walk the Planets and Star Party at Alice Holt Forest

Free activities, no booking required

Join us to “Walk the Planets” at Alice Holt Forest. This short, accessible trail will see the planets laid out to scale and includes an audio trail. There will also be stargazing, meet the owls with the Bird of Prey Hospital, VR headsets and games, and award-winning astrophotography. You can also enjoy the visitor centre and grab a hot drink and light snack. An event for the whole family. More details.

Night walk (Booking required) 

Join South Downs staff for a night walk around Alice Holt Forest. We’ll bring UV torches to look for biofluorescent beasties and keep an eye and ear out for other nocturnal wildlife. This 1-hour walk will be a gentle stroll of no more than 3km around the woodland looking and listening out for various nocturnal creatures and being out at night. Booking required. More details.

Thursday 20 February – 18:00-20:30

Walk the Planets and Star Party at Queen Elizabeth Country Park

Free activities, no booking required

Join us to “Walk the Planets” at Queen Elizabeth Country Park.

This short, accessible trail will see the planets laid out to scale and includes an audio trail. There will also be stargazing and meet the meteorites with Hampshire Astronomical Group, crafting with Hampshire Bat Group, storytelling, meet the owls with the Bird of Prey Hospital, VR headsets and games, and award-winning astrophotography. You can also enjoy the visitor centre and grab a hot drink and snack. An event for the whole family. More details

Night walk (Booking required)

Join South Downs staff for a night walk around QECP. We’ll bring UV torches to look for biofluorescent beasties and keep an eye and ear out for other nocturnal wildlife. This 1-hour walk will be a gentle stroll of no more than 3km around the woodland looking and listening out for various nocturnal creatures and being out at night. Booking required. More details.

Saturday 22 February – 17:30-20:30

Star Party on Brighton Seafront

Free activity, no booking required

Join SDNPA and Brighton Astro on Brighton seafront near the Brighton i360 for a star party. We will have telescopes out if it is clear. We will also be recording for our “Embrace the Darkness” podcast and we would love to hear from our visitors. More details