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Volunteer Groups/Partners in the South Downs

Volunteer Groups/Partners in the South Downs

The South Downs Volunteering Map is a tool for helping people interested in volunteering within the National Park see what opportunities are available to them.

Volunteering opportunities across the South Downs are now easier to find for people wanting to gain new skills, discover local history, make new friends, get exercise or enjoy nature.

You can search based on the sort of activity you would like to do, what aspects of the National Park you are most interested in or when you are available.

Adding a Volunteering Opportunity

If you are an organisation working in or for the National Park and are looking to recruit volunteers, or have opportunities and activities our volunteers can get involved in please email us with the details and we can add your opportunities to our map.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."