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South Downs Local Plan Update – July 18

South Downs Local Plan Update – July 18

July 18, 2018

The South Downs Local Plan was submitted to Government for examination on 27 April 2018 along with a large evidence base on a range of subjects from landscape and biodiversity to housing and employment.

Inspector Brian Sims BSc CEng MICE MRTPI has been appointed to conduct the examination to determine whether the South Downs Local Plan is sound. Mr Chris Banks has been appointed as the Programme Officer for the examination and acts as the link between the Inspector, the National Park Authority and all other interested parties.

The public hearings for the examination are likely to take place in October. They will be held at the South Downs Centre in Midhurst and it is likely that a further session will be held at the East Sussex County Council offices in Lewes. Please do keep an eye on our examination website as all updates and new documents will be published there.

We have decided to update our validation list (also known as 1APP) for planning applications, so that it is consistent with our emerging Local Plan. The updated validation list will go out to consultation for eight weeks in September to ensure that it is fully up to date when we adopt out new Local Plan.

Find all information relating to the submitted South Downs Local Plan