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Friday 22 July – Wondrous Woodlands

Friday 22 July – Wondrous Woodlands

The South Downs has more woodland than any other National Park in England or Wales, with the abundance of trees forming a vital component of the ecosystem and landscape.

Light needs to reach plants and flowers on the forest floor to ensure they can in turn support the animals which rely on them for habitats and food.

Conserving this precious treescape is not without its challenges.

Pests and diseases such as ash dieback and Dutch elm disease are growing concerns across the country and will likely change our landscape dramatically.

But, through active management and maintaining a good diversity of tree species, we can significantly improve the chances for our native trees and ensure future generations of people, plants and wildlife can enjoy healthy woodland.

What’s on

  • 8am – Kingley Vale in 360. Experience the ancient Kingley Vale woodland like never before. Learn about the history and folklore of this fabled jewel of the South Downs. Watch on the South Downs Facebook and YouTube channels.
  • 10am – Pop-up event at Kingley Vale. Come meet our rangers at the magical Kingley Vale National Nature Reserve, celebrating it’s 70th anniversary this year!
  • 10am – Mindful Walk at Wiggonholt, West Sussex. Closed group event (by invitation) – A mindful walk at Wiggonholt for those experiencing physical and mental health issues, loneliness or isolation. If you would like to join, please email the Events team.
  • 12pm – Magical woodlands of the South Downs. Meet the amazing woodland wildlife found across the South Downs. Watch on the South Downs Facebook and YouTube channels.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."