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Paying for pre-application advice

Paying for pre-application advice

What category of development does your pre-application proposal fall within?

Note that we no longer accept cheques as payment.

IMPORTANT – Advance notice – due to systems maintenance, there will be no facility to make card payments online, on Sunday 14th April 2024.

  • To pay by telephone
    • For Adur and Worthing, Arun, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, Mid-Sussex, Wealden or West Sussex you can pay over the phone by debit or credit card by calling 01730 814810 and asking for the Technical Support Team.
    • To make a telephone payment within Chichester, East Hampshire, Horsham, Lewes or Winchester please contact the relevant planning service directly stating that you wish to pay a pre-application advice fee for a South Downs National Park Authority application.
    • For payments for sites in Eastbourne please contact the Lewes Planning Service.
  • To pay by BACS transfer
    • For Adur and Worthing, Arun, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, Mid-Sussex, Wealden or West Sussex please call 01730 814810 and ask for the Technical Support Team who will be happy to provide you with our account details.
    • To make a BACS payment within Chichester, East Hampshire, Horsham, Lewes and Winchester please contact the relevant planning service directly stating that you wish to pay a pre-application advice fee for a South Downs National Park Authority application.
    • For payments for sites in Eastbourne please contact the Lewes Planning Service.

    To make sure your payment is correctly identified and linked to your submission please use the following references:

    • If the fee relates to a previous application that has been declared invalid (no original fee or additional fee required) use the application reference; or
    • If the fee is for a new application use the first line of the site address.
  • Services and fees
    • Scale of Development Fee (inclusive of VAT @ 20%) Level of Advice Given Timeframe for Response
      Do I need planning permission (DINPP) enquiry £0 Written Response to completed DINPP Pro-Forma 15 working days
      Householder – formal request £0
      (If a meeting is required £48 per hour)
      Completed Householder Pro-Forma: Written response (inc site visit if required) 20 working days from receipt of valid information
      Replacement dwellings and other development (change of use; agricultural development; advertisements; telecommunications) £72
      (If a meeting is required £48 per hour
      Written response (inc site visit if required) to completed Other Developments Pro-Forma. 20 working days from receipt of valid information
      1-3 dwellings; up to 499m² commercial floorspace £240
      (£48 per hour for additional meetings)
      Site visit, written response to completed Other Developments Pro-Forma and 1 x 1hr meeting on the information provided. 25 working days from receipt of valid information
      4-9 dwellings; up to 500-999m² commercial floorspace £360
      (£48 per hour for additional meetings)
      Site visit, written response to completed Other Developments Pro-Forma and up to 2 x 1hr meetings on the information provided. 25 working days from receipt of valid information
      10-29 dwellings; up to 1,000-1,999m² commercial floorspace £900
      (£48 per hour for additional meetings)
      Site visit, written response to completed Other Developments Pro-Forma and up to 2 x 1hr meetings on the information provided. Initial contact made within 5 working days to agree timetable
      30-99 dwellings; 1,999m² to 3,500m² commercial floorspace £1,800
      (£48 per hour for additional meetings)
      Site visit, written response to completed Other Developments Pro-Forma and up to 3 x 1hr meetings on the information provided. Initial contact made within 5 working days to agree timetable
      Anything over the above thresholds 10% of Planning Application Fee Case by case agreement after initial meeting in response to completed Other Developments Pro-Forma Initial contact made within 5 working days to agree timetable



"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."