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Community Pitch

Community Pitch

The Community Pitch is funded through the South Downs National Park Trust and awards grants up to £5k towards projects under the following aims:

  • Help mitigate the effects of climate change such as flooding, heat gain, loss of species
  • Reduce waste, encourage an uptake in recycling and reuse
  • Support wildlife by improving and restoring habitats
  • Encourage sustainable and low carbon forms of transport. For example, cycling and walking
  • Increase energy efficient and lead to a reduction in energy use
  • Educate and rase awareness of environmental issues in the lower Ouse Valley and Havens

Community Pitch Grants are open to community groups and clubs, parish and town councils, social enterprises, CIC, Charities, schools and businesses delivering not-for profit projects.  Applicants need a constitution and a bank account.

Find out about other funding available through the South Downs National Park Trust.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."