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Restoring a sensitive woodland site

Restoring a sensitive woodland site

April 21, 2020

Sabrina Robinson, Planning, Monitoring and Compliance Officer, gives an update on the restoration of the Markwells Wood site, near Forestside, West Sussex, following the cessation of exploratory works.

A Breach of Condition Notice was issued to UKOG (GB) Ltd relating to the site Markwells Wood. UKOG(GB) Ltd were in breach of condition 2 of SDNP/15/01470/CONDC which required all buildings, plant and machinery, including foundations and hard standings should be removed and the site restored according to an approved scheme.

Following discussions with the SDNPA on the restoration scheme, we are pleased to confirm that UKOG (GB) Ltd have complied with the Breach of Condition Notice and have removed all buildings, plant, machinery, including foundations and hardstandings and implemented their restoration scheme.

The site currently has a temporary stock proof fence to prevent wildlife from entering and to protect the juvenile trees to ensure that they are not compromised. The site will continue to be monitored by the Minerals and Waste Team for the next five years to ensure that UKOG (GB) Ltd complete their aftercare scheme.