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Responses to Local Plan Consultation

Responses to Local Plan Consultation

April 22, 2016

The National Park Authority published the South Downs Local Plan: Preferred Options for public consultation in September and October last year. In total, 400 stakeholders responded to the consultation and made over 2,600 individual comments. Many thanks to everyone who got involved.

We have now published a summary of the main issues raised. We have carefully identified the key points raised by each respondent and grouped them by topic and by type of consultee: for example, town and parish councils, agents and developers, and individuals. The full comments are also now available to search through on our consultation page. 

Please see this webpage for links to the summary of main issues.  To read all the responses in full please follow the link to ‘list comments’ and search by ID or keyword.

Planning officers are currently considering the full consultation responses in preparing the Pre-Submission or Publication version of the Local Plan. This will be subject to another, more limited round of public consultation and then being submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination.