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Newly published Evidence Studies

Newly published Evidence Studies

September 22, 2017

An important part of preparing a Local Plan is making sure there is a strong evidence base to support the strategy and policies. The following studies have recently been published, or are about to be published, providing important technical information supporting local plan policies.

Read all these reports here

Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA)

The HEDNA updates the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) and Employment Land Review (ELR). It updates the National Park’s objectively assessed housing need (sometimes referred to as the ‘OAN’ or just ‘housing need’) for the National Park, using the most recent household and population projections. It also updates the amount of affordable housing needed, and the types of homes needed, in terms of size (number of bedrooms) and tenure (e.g. whether rented or shared ownership). Finally, it updates the need for employment land to support appropriate economic growth.

Local Plan and Affordable Housing Viability Assessment

The Viability Assessment looked mainly at whether the affordable housing policies in the Local Plan will be deliverable. It also considered the impact of other local plan requirements, such as higher design standards and ecosystem services. The study is important to ensure that the costs of development that complies with local plan policy does not prevent development coming forward over the lifetime of the local plan. The study confirmed that the policies in the Pre-Submission Local Plan will not prevent future development from being viable.

Employment Land Review Update 2017

This supplementary update to the 2015 Employment Land Review provides updated, detailed information on existing and potential employment sites within the National Park, and reviews the supply and demand balance for employment land, to inform the Pre-Submission Local Plan.

Site Allocations Highways Assessment 2017

This assessment of sites proposed for allocation in the Local Plan reviewed potential access points to each site, to ascertain the suitability of the sites for housing development based on the likely vehicle and pedestrian traffic generated by each site. The assessment fed into the selection and detail of sites allocations in the Pre-Submission Local Plan.

Transport Assessment Supplement 2017

This study reviewed the conclusions of the 2016 Highways Assessment, on the basis of changed dwelling numbers in the Pre-Submission draft of the Local Plan.

Settlement Context Study

Achieving sustainable development in the National Park requires a detailed knowledge and understanding of settlements, their history, local character and features in order to successfully design and integrate new development within the existing fabric of our towns and villages. The settlement context study maps will assist with research and baseline information from which more detailed site based investigations can be developed.