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Meet our planners: 10 questions with Sabrina Robinson

Meet our planners: 10 questions with Sabrina Robinson

April 21, 2022

We catch up with Sabrina Robinson, Senior Development Management Officer.

 Three words that sum up your job in planning?

Problem solving, project management, communication

Okay, so what’s your role at the National Park?

My role is to determine planning applications that are submitted for a range of developments that include housing, commercial and I have been known to do the odd minerals and waste application.

What appealed to you about working in planning?

I fell into the role of planning. I saw my previous job as monitoring and compliance officer advertised and the draw was to work in the National Park. Throughout my time in this role I became very interesting in planning applications and started working towards becoming a planner. I find the problem solving within the planning applications,  as well as working with different people every day, really interesting. I would say my passion topic would be Minerals and Waste and then commercial/agricultural applications.

Can you describe your typical day?

Sign on to work, go through and deal with emails with a cup of coffee, then work on various planning applications and appeal statements. When I am working from home I usually have the assistance of Timothy the cat.

Best thing about working in planning for a National Park?

My colleagues and advocating for something that doesn’t have a voice.

What do you love about the South Downs National Park?

I love the varied and peaceful landscapes which I am lucky enough to see both in my job and also in my spare time.

Currently reading/watching?

I am currently reading The Witcher and re-watching The Crown.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Who inspires you?

My Nan, she grew up during the Second World War and the aftermath and worked very hard to be an independent woman and put herself through a course for typing and secretary work at Pitman’s College so that she could work independently and buy her own place. I admired her worth ethic and her values and it has always inspired me to work hard and to continue with my education.

Describe your perfect day (when not working, of course!)

Perfect day would be to wake up, feed the very hungry cats, grab a coffee, sit down and do my daily requirements on World of Warcraft, break for lunch for a walk along the seafront, back to the flat to play with the cats for a bit, then depending on the day I will either play another game for the evening or do Mythic Dungeons and Raiding on World of Warcraft.