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Help needed to preserve South Downs heritage

Help needed to preserve South Downs heritage

April 12, 2023

A heritage venue that was once owned by Jane Austen’s brother is launching a fundraising campaign as it marks a milestone.

This year is the 20th anniversary of Chawton House, in Hampshire, opening to the public.

To mark the occasion, the historic house is launching a fundraising appeal to ensure its legacy continues for the next 20 years and beyond.

The site has seen a major turnaround in recent times. Just a few years ago, the parkland and woodland were neglected to the extent they were unsafe, with ill-maintained paths and stiles, and parts declared a sterile wildlife environment.

Now the 100 hectares of land have seen significant improvements, with a network of walks and accessible gates, restoration of Mingledown woods, and the removal of dangerous and dead trees.

Chief Executive Katie Childs said: “Since 2015, Chawton House has thrown open its doors to the public and transformed from a by-appointment academic library into an award-winning and much-loved historic estate with beautiful grounds and gardens.

“2023 marks 20 years since Chawton House opened to the public for the first time, and whilst we want to celebrate what we have done and look forward to what we will do – especially running up to Jane Austen’s 250th birthday – we face a perilous and uncertain future, and need your help to realise our full potential.

“Chawton House is special. It is a place you can visit on your own and not be lonely, where children are encouraged to explore, or where you can lose yourself in the stories of women’s writing.

“It is a space for community, where you can find inspiration, comfort or even cake! We would be missed now if we were gone.”

Find out more here.