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Enforcement team to increase monitoring visits in South Downs

Enforcement team to increase monitoring visits in South Downs

April 27, 2022

Our monitoring role for larger planning applications is being strengthened to help protect landscape, biodiversity and cultural heritage.

The Authority’s enforcement team have always investigated, and rectified where appropriate, potential breaches of planning conditions that are set out in a planning permission.

In addition to their regular duties, the team will now be taking a more proactive role to monitor planning conditions and ensure they are fully implemented.

These site visits will include monitoring conditions around landscaping and tree protection, amongst others.

Heather Lealan, who heads the Authority’s enforcement team, said: “We have a number of larger developments under construction, or soon to be built, in the National Park and many have a long list of important conditions.

“Our approach will be to ensure strategies are submitted prior to building work starting and then, when it is considered necessary, to continue monitoring a site during the construction phase.

“It will not be feasible to closely monitor every site, but we envision that some sites will be visited several times in order to witness those key stages, such as when footings are put in or landscaping occurs.

“If breaches are identified, our team will investigate the harm it’s causing and where appropriate, take action to address that.”

To find out more about reporting a suspected planning breach in your area visit www.southdowns.gov.uk/planning-applications/enforcement-report-a-breach/