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Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee: Over 12,000 National Park trees are dedicated to the Queen

Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee: Over 12,000 National Park trees are dedicated to the Queen

May 27, 2022

Map showing where trees have been planted in South Downs National Park for Queen's Green Canopy

Queen Elizabeth has always been a faithful supporter of nature and it’s fitting that one of the South Downs National Park’s most visited country parks is named after her.

To celebrate this very special moment in history, over 12,000 trees have been planted in the South Downs – and all of them are dedicated to Her Majesty.

As part of the Trees for the Downs campaign, 30 sites across Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex have received new trees for the Queen’s Green Canopy.

Each tree will provide a home for wildlife and help with the National Park’s dedicated nature recovery drive.

But none of the planting would be possible without the generosity of the public.

Scores of donations to the South Downs National Park Trust have paid for these Jubilee trees – and the charity is now fundraising to plant more trees this year dedicated to the Queen.

Trees for the Downs is planting iconic species including black poplar, oak, field maple and disease-resistant elms.

Sonia Lorenzo Martin, who heads woodlands for the National Park Authority, in a field with a spade planting treesSonia Lorenzo-Martin, who oversees woodlands in the National Park, said: “These life-giving trees are such a wonderful celebration of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II and will be teeming with life in a few years!

“Trees are amazing. They provide clean air for us to breathe, enrich our soils and provide a vital habitat for so many birds, mammals and invertebrates. Planting more trees is a key component of the National Park’s “ReNature” drive to create more space for wildlife to flourish. Your donation will mean we can plant many more Jubilee trees this year and help nature thrive.”

Donate at this donation page.

Logo with a regal crown showing the Trees for the Downs campaignThe tree planting has been made possible thanks to generous donations from the public, as well as support from Aspinal of London, Cinven, Jude’s – a carbon negative B Corp, Nyetimber and South East Water. Hillier, Frank P Matthews and Peter Shallcross have pioneered the disease-resistant elms for the initiative.

The ReNature campaign is the nature recovery drive for the National Park and is aiming to create 13,000 hectares (around 21,000 new football pitches) of new habitat for wildlife over the next decade. Find out more at the ReNature home page.

Russell Holmes, Assistant Forestry Manager at Goodwood Estate, with children from The March Primary School planting trees in a field on the Goodwood Estate
Russell Holmes, Assistant Forestry Manager at Goodwood Estate, with children from The March Primary School planting trees for Trees for the Downs last winter.