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Local Plan Consultation – January 2018 update

Local Plan Consultation – January 2018 update

January 22, 2018

Thank you to everyone who responded to the consultation on the South Downs Local Plan: Pre-Submission that took place between September and November 2017. More than 500 individuals and organisations took part and we are now reviewing all the comments.

Consultation responders ranged from members of the public, parish councils, developers and organisations, to utility providers, district and county councils and Government agencies. In total you made more than 2,400 individual points about the Local Plan. We are currently reviewing and drafting the changes needed to the Local Plan as a result.

We will present the final version of the Local Plan to the National Park Authority Meeting on 22 March and we will submit it to the Secretary of State for examination by the end of March. We will also submit all our evidence documents including all the responses received to the Pre-Submission Consultation in both their original and summarised form. We will make all these documents available on our website and in printed form.

If you have signed up to our consultation database you will receive confirmation when this happens.

Once the Local Plan has been submitted, the Secretary of State will designate a Planning Inspector to hold an examination into the Local Plan. Again, everyone on the Local Plan database will receive a letter or email (depending on preference) when we know the dates of the public hearings.

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