Making a representation on Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan


All representations made on the Rogate & Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan (RRNP) will be passed on to an independent examiner to consider as part of the examination of the RRNP.  Neighbourhood Plans are not examined in the same manner as Local Plans.  Importantly, the examiner is required to consider whether the neighbourhood development plan meets five basic conditions, which state neighbourhood plans should:

Therefore, it is recommended that any comments should relate to these matters above.

What happens next?

The consultation ends on Monday 14th December.  The next stages for the RRNP are:


Timescale & further details

Examiner appointment

During the consultation period.


Directly following the end of the consultation.  Expected to take 4 weeks.

Examiner issues final report

The examiner makes one of the following recommendations (February 2021):

- that the Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to Referendum, on the basis that it meets all legal requirements;
- that the Neighbourhood Plan, as modified, should proceed to Referendum;
- that the Neighbourhood Plan does not proceed to Referendum, on the basis that it does not meet the relevant legal requirements.


Subject to a successful examination, there will be a referendum (held in May 2021 at the earliest) when the community are asked:

“Do you want South Downs National Park Authority to use the neighbourhood plan for Rogate to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

If over 50% of those who vote say yes, the RRNP will be adopted by the SDNPA.