South Downs National Park Authority
March 2014 , as amended March15
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Agenda Item
Appendix 1
South Downs National Park Authority
March 2014 , as amended March15
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Contents Page
Purpose of Financial Regulations 3
Status of Financial Regulations 3
Reviewing and Updating Financial Relations 3
Application of Financial Regulations 3
Format of Financial Regulations 3
Financial Procedures 4
Introduction 5
The Full Authority 5
Governance Committee 5
Policy & Programme Committee 5
Planning Committee 5
Statutory Officers 5
Authority Directors 7
Other Financial Accountabilities 7
Planning Framework 9
Budget Format 9
Budget Preparation 9
Budget Setting Guidelines 10
Budget Monitoring and Control 10
Maintenance of Reserves 10
Risk Management 11
Internal Control 11
Audit Requirements 11
Prevention of Fraud and Corruption 11
Assets 12
Treasury Management 12
Trust Funds, Funds Held for Third Parties & Other Voluntary Funds 12
Staffing 12
Introduction 14
Income and Expenditure 14
Payments to Employees and Members 14
Imprest and Petty Cash Accounts 14
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Contents (cont’d) Page
Purchasing Cards 15
Cash Collection Facilities 15
VAT and Taxation 15
Control of Contracts 15
Banking Arrangements 15
Financial Limits 15
Introduction 16
Partnerships 16
External Funding 16
Work for Third Parties 16
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Purpose of Financial Regulations
1.1 This document sets out the financial regulations for the South Downs National Park
Authority. It identifies the responsibilities of Members, Directors, Statutory Officers and
Managers in looking after the financial affairs of the Authority. It seeks to ensure high
standards of financial conduct, and probity in dealing with public money.
Status of Financial Regulations
1.2 The financial regulations provide the overall framework for managing the Authority’s
financial affairs. They are part of the Authority’s Standing Orders and are supported by a
number of other documents including contract standing orders, schemes of delegation
and codes of conduct for officers and members.
1.3 These Financial Regulations are subject to Accounts and Audit Regulations (revised in
2011) issued by Government under s27 of the Audit Commission Act 1998. Accounts and
Audit Regulations establish statutory provisions for accounting arrangements, audit
arrangements and financial control within the authority, consistent with Audit
Commission guidance.
Reviewing and updating Financial Regulations
1.4 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for maintaining a continuous review of the
Financial Regulations and for submitting any material and/or substantial revisions to the
Authority for approval after consultation with the Chief Executive. Any minor and/or
consequential amendments shall be made by the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with
the Chief Executive.
Application of Financial Regulations
1.5 All Members and officers involved in managing the financial affairs of the Authority are
expected to comply with these regulations, in accordance with their delegated powers.
Directors and Managers must ensure that their staff are aware of the existence and
content of financial regulations and ensure that there is easy access to the document in
their Teams. Failure to comply with these Financial Regulations may result in formal
disciplinary action being taken.
Format of Financial Regulations
1.6 The Financial Regulations provide clarity about the financial accountabilities of individuals
Individual Members;
the Chief Executive;
the Monitoring Officer
the Chief Finance Officer; and
other Directors.
1.7 The regulations have been based on CIPFA’s best practice guidance for local authorities,
adapted to meet local needs and circumstances.
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Financial Procedures
1.8 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for issuing advice and guidance to underpin the
Financial Regulations that Members, officers and others acting on behalf of the authority
are required to follow. Details of how the Regulations will be implemented operationally,
are contained in the Financial Procedures Manual. These establish sound practices and
assist Directors in their responsibility for the operation of their financial processes.
These Standard Financial Procedures have the same authority as Financial Regulations.
1.9 Provided the Chief Finance Officer is satisfied that all necessary controls are met, he/she
may agree to variations proposed by Directors. Agreed variations must be properly
recorded, in a form agreed by the Chief Finance Officer.
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2.1 Financial management covers all financial accountabilities in relation to the running of the
financial affairs of the South Downs National Park Authority.
The Full Authority
2.2 The Authority is a centrally-funded, public body run by 27 Members. The Authority makes
decisions on strategic planning decisions policy and develops new projects & partnership
programmes that promote the purposes and duty of the South Downs National Park.
2.3 The Authority is responsible for approving procedures for recording and reporting
decisions taken. This includes those decisions delegated by, and decisions taken by, the
Authority and its committees. These delegations and details of who has responsibility for
which decisions are set out in the Standing Orders of the Authority. The Committees are:
Governance Committee
2.4 The role of the Governance Committee is to monitor the Code of Conduct and provide
independent scrutiny of adherence to the Authority's financial & non-financial processes
to the extent to which they affect the control environment and exposure to risk. The
Committee is responsible for monitoring the performance of the Authority each quarter.
It is also the role of this committee to approve the Statement of Accounts in accordance
with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011.This committee is also responsible for
promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct amongst members.
Policy and Programme Committee
2.5 The purpose of this committee is to approve the policies and resource plans for the
Authority including financial, technology, information, people and assets to support
effective resource management and delivery of the Corporate Plan. Its role is to
recommend to the Authority the annual budget and medium term financial strategy,
treasury management policy, financial regulations and procedures, and the adoption and
review of the Partnership Management Plan. It is also the role of this Committee to agree
the submission of bids for grant funding and the arrangements for application of grant
funds received (subject to any urgent decisions required being made by the Chief
Executive in accordance with Standing Order 18 and in consultation with the Chair of the
Committee) as well as to have oversight of the Sustainable Communities and Major
Projects Funds.
Planning Committee
2.6 The purpose of the planning committee is to exercise all development management and
enforcement functions which are conferred upon the local planning authority except
where, and to the extent that, the exercise of such functions has been delegated to local
councils or officers. It is also responsible for the Local Plan and associated development
plan documents, for input into and coordination of neighbourhood and community-led
plans, and for input the development plan documents of adjoining local planning
authorities, including fulfilling the Authority’s role under the Duty to Cooperate, all
subject to the requirement for strategic matters of more than local significance being
decided by the Full Authority.
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Statutory Officers
2.7 The National Park Officer and Head of Paid Service
The National Park Officer and Head of Paid Service are both statutory roles that are
combined within one post on the establishment the Chief Executive. The Chief
Executive is responsible for the overall corporate and strategic management of the
Authority. He or she must report to and provide information for the Authority and its
Committees, and is responsible for:
establishing protocols to ensure that information presented for committee
decisions takes account of the legal, financial and risk management issues of the
proposed decision.
establishing a framework for management direction, style and standards
proposing the Corporate Plan to Authority
monitoring the performance of the organisation.
The Chief Executive is also responsible, together with the Monitoring Officer, for the
system of record keeping in relation to all the Authority’s decisions (see below).
2.8 Monitoring Officer
The Monitoring Officer is responsible for keeping the Authority’s Standing Orders and
delegation arrangements under review and for working with the Standards and Audit
Committee in promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct. This officer is
responsible for reporting any actual or potential breaches of the law or maladministration.
He/she is also responsible for ensuring that procedures for recording and reporting
decisions are operating effectively. He/she must ensure that committee decisions and the
reasons for them are made public, and that Authority members are also aware of those
decisions and of those made by officers who have delegated responsibility.
2.9 Chief Finance Officer
He/she has statutory duties in relation to the financial administration and stewardship of
the Authority. This statutory responsibility cannot be overridden. The statutory duties
are principally contained in:
s151 of the Local Government Act 1972;
The Local Government Finance Act 1988;
The Local Government and Housing Act 1989;
The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011; and
The Local Government Act 2003.
2.10 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for:
the proper administration of the authority’s financial affairs setting and monitoring
compliance with financial management advising on the corporate financial position and
on the key financial controls necessary to secure sound financial management
providing financial information
preparing the revenue budget and capital programme
treasury management
advising on the corporate financial position and on the key financial controls necessary
to secure sound financial management
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2.11 S114 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 requires the Chief Finance Officer to
report to the Authority and external auditor if the authority or one of its officers:
has made, or is about to make, a decision which involves incurring unlawful
has taken, or is about to take, an unlawful action which has resulted, or would
result in, a loss or deficiency to the authority;
is about to make an unlawful entry in the Authority’s accounts.
2.12 S114 of the 1988 Act also requires:
the Chief Finance Officer to nominate a properly qualified member of staff to
deputise should he/she be unable to perform the duties under section 114
the Authority to provide the Chief Finance Officer with sufficient staff,
accommodation and other resources, including legal advice where this is
necessary, to carry out the duties under s114.
Authority Directors
2.13 Authority Directors are responsible for:
Ensuring that the implications of all Authority and Committee proposals are fully
explained to Members and that the financial implications have been agreed by the
Chief Finance Officer;
Entering into and signing contracts on behalf of the Authority subject to
compliance with the Authority’s Standing Orders;
The operation of sound financial procedures within their directorate and, in order
to fulfil this duty, they shall ensure that there is a formal scheme of delegation and
adequate controls are in place.
Other Financial Accountabilities
2.14 Virement (Budget Transfer)
Directors are responsible for agreeing in-year virements but must not take decisions or
transfer resources contrary to current authority policy as represented by the approved
budget. The procedure for virements is set out in Financial Procedures (paragraph A.2.1).
2.15 Treatment of Year-end Balances
The procedure is set out in Financial Procedures (paragraph A.2.2).
2.16 Accounting Policies
The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for implementing accounting policies in
accordance with the Accounting Code of Practice (ACOP) and International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) and ensuring that they are applied consistently.
2.17 Accounting Records and Returns
The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for determining the accounting procedures and
records for the Authority, in accordance with statutory requirements and best practice.
He/she will also maintain a register of partnerships and other entities in which the
Authority has an interest.
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2.18 The Annual Statement of Accounts
The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for ensuring that the annual statement of
accounts is prepared in accordance with the Code of Practice on Local Authority
Accounting in the United Kingdom developed by CIPFA. The Governance Committee is
responsible for approving the annual statement of accounts.
In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011, the Chief Finance Officer
(a) before the Governance Committee, approve the annual statement of accounts, and no
later than 30 June immediately following the end of the financial year, sign and date the
statement of accounts, and certify that it presents a true and fair view of the financial
position of the body at the end of the year to which it relates and of the authority’s
income and expenditure for that year; and
(b) after the Governance Committee have considered the statement of accounts, but
before they approve it, re-certify its presentation.
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Planning Framework
3.1 The full Authority is responsible for agreeing the policy framework and budget. In terms
of financial planning, the key elements are:
the Corporate Plan
the Revenue Budget
the Capital Programme
the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
3.2 The policy framework comprises the following statutory plans and strategies:
National Park Partnership Management Plan
Corporate Plan and supporting Operational Plan
Risk Management Strategy and Plan
Procurement Policy and Strategy
Human Resources Strategy
Treasury Management Policy and Strategy and the Prudential Code
3.3 The Authority is also responsible for approving procedures for agreeing variations to
approved budgets, plans and strategies forming the policy framework and for determining
the circumstances in which a decision will be deemed to be contrary to the budget or
policy framework. Decisions should be referred to the Authority by the Monitoring
Budget Format
3.4 The general format of the budget will be approved by the full Authority on the advice of
the Chief Finance Officer. The draft budget should include allocation to different services
and projects, and contingency funds.
Budget Preparation
3.5 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for preparing an annual detailed revenue and
capital budget and a medium term financial strategy (MTFS) taking account of revenue
resources over three years for consideration and approval by the Authority.
3.6 The Authority is responsible for issuing guidance to budget managers on budget priorities
in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer.
3.7 Managers are responsible for preparing financial estimates, reflecting the guidance of the
Authority and the agreed Operational Plan.
3.8 It is the responsibility of Directors to ensure that budget estimates reflecting agreed
operational plans are submitted to the Policy and Programme Committee and Authority,
and that these estimates are prepared in line with guidance issued by the Authority.
Budget Setting Guidelines
3.9 Guidelines on budget preparation are issued to Members and Directors by the Chief
Finance Officer taking into account the current policy framework determined by the
Authority. The guidelines will take account of:
legal requirements;
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the medium term planning prospects;
the Corporate Plan
available capital and revenue resources;
spending pressures;
government guidelines, and
the adequacy of the general and earmarked reserves.
Budget Monitoring and Control
3.10 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for ensuring that systems are in place to provide
appropriate financial information to enable all revenue and capital budgets to be
monitored effectively. He/she must report to the Governance Committee and the full
Authority on the overall financial position on a regular basis.
3.11 It is the responsibility of Directors to control income and expenditure within their area
and to monitor performance, taking account of financial information provided by the Chief
Finance Officer. They should report on variances within their own areas. They should
also take any action necessary to avoid exceeding their budget allocation and alert the
Chief Finance Officer to any problems. Financial and performance data should be linked
wherever possible.
Maintenance of Reserves
3.12 It is the responsibility of the Chief Finance Officer to advise the Authority on prudent
levels of reserves for the Authority to ensure a sound financial standing.
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Risk Management
4.1 Risk management is the planned and systematic approach to the identification, evaluation
and control of risks. Its objectives are to enable effective use of resources, make sure the
assets of the organisation are secure and to ensure the continued financial and
organisational effectiveness of the Authority.
4.2 The Director of Corporate Services is required to develop and promote risk management
across the Authority and provide advice to managers on the most appropriate tools to
use. The Director of Corporate Services is responsible for ensuring that proper insurance
arrangements exist where appropriate.
4.3 The Director of Corporate Services is responsible for the Authority’s Risk Management
Policy and for ensuring that risk registers are produced and maintained as appropriate.
Internal Control
4.4 Internal control refers to the systems of control devised by management to help ensure
the Authority’s objectives are achieved in a manner that promotes economical, efficient
and effective use of resources and that the Authority’s assets and interests are
safeguarded. The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for advising on effective systems of
internal control and will need to provide an Annual Governance Statement to the
external auditors for inclusion in the statement of accounts. Arrangements need to ensure
compliance with all applicable statutes and regulations, and other relevant statements of
best practice.
4.5 It is the responsibility of Directors to establish sound arrangements for planning,
appraising, authorising and controlling their operations in order to achieve continuous
improvement, economy, efficiency and effectiveness and for achieving their financial
performance targets.
Audit Requirements
4.6 The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011 require every local authority to undertake an
adequate and effective internal audit of its accounting records and of its system of internal
control in accordance with the proper practices in relation to internal control. The Audit
Commission is responsible for appointing external auditors for the Authority. The basic
duties of the external auditor are governed by the Audit Commission Act 1998. The
Authority may, from time to time, be subject to audit, inspection or investigation by other
external bodies, such as HM Revenue & Customs who have statutory rights of access.
Preventing Fraud and Corruption
4.7 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for the development and maintenance of an anti-
fraud and corruption policy. The policy will be approved by the Policy and Programme
Committee and monitored by the Governance Committee.
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4.8 Directors should ensure that records and assets are properly maintained and securely
held. They should also ensure that contingency (disaster recovery) plans for the security
of assets and continuity of service in the event of disaster or system failure are in place.
Treasury Management
4.9 The Authority has adopted CIPFA’s code of practice for treasury management in local
authorities. The full Authority is responsible for approving the treasury management
policy statement setting out the matters detailed in “Treasury Management in the Public
Services: Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Local Authorities”.
4.10 All money in the hands of the Authority is controlled by the officer designated for the
purposes of s151 of the Local Government Act 1972, referred to in the code as the Chief
Finance Officer who shall make appropriate banking arrangements.
4.11 All decisions on borrowing, investment or financing shall be delegated to the Chief
Finance Officer, and such officers as he/she may nominate, who shall be required to act in
accordance with the Code of Practice referred to in the Authority’s Treasury
Management Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy.
4.12 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for proposing an Annual Investment Strategy
before the start of the year and for reporting to the Authority during the year on the
activities of the treasury management operation and on the exercise of delegated treasury
management powers.
Trust Funds, Funds Held for Third Parties and Other Voluntary Funds
4.13 All trust funds, funds held for third parties and other voluntary (unofficial) funds must be
approved by the Chief Finance Officer. A voluntary (unofficial) fund is defined as any fund,
other than an official fund for the authority, which is controlled wholly or in part by an
officer by reason of his or her employment by the authority.
4.14 Directors are responsible for ensuring that they are operated in line with appropriate
legislation and/or Charity Commission guidance if appropriate and shall ensure that all
such funds are audited by suitably qualified auditors and are submitted within 9 months of
the end of the accounting period to the authority and any other parties (i.e. clients,
sponsors, charitable bodies) with an interest in the fund.
4.15 The Chief Finance Officer reserves the right to inspect all documentation relating to
unofficial funds and seek such explanations as are necessary to ensure they are being
appropriately managed.
4.16 The Chief Executive is responsible for providing overall management to staff. He/she is
also responsible for ensuring that there is proper use of the evaluation or other agreed
systems for determining the remuneration of a job.
4.17 Directors are responsible for controlling total staff numbers by:
advising the Authority on the budget necessary in any given year to cover
estimated staffing levels required to deliver approved levels of service and having
regard to statutory provision;
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adjusting the staffing to a level that can be funded within approved budget
provision, varying the provision as necessary within that constraint in order to
meet changing operational needs;
the proper use of appointment policy and procedures.
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5.1 Sound systems and procedures are essential to an effective framework of accountability
and control. The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for the operation of the Authority’s
financial systems, the form of accounts and the supporting financial records. If Directors
wish to make any changes to the existing financial systems or establish new systems, they
must obtain the approval of the Chief Finance Officer. However, Directors are
responsible for the proper operation of financial processes in their own directorates.
5.2 Directors must ensure that their staff receive relevant financial training that has been
approved by the Chief Finance Officer. Where access to financial systems is through the
use of unique user names and passwords, officers must not allow others to use their
access codes or otherwise make use of their rights.
5.3 Directors must ensure that, where appropriate, ICT and other systems are registered in
accordance with data protection legislation. Directors must ensure that staff are aware of
their responsibilities under Data Protection and Freedom of Information legislation.
Income and Expenditure
5.4 It is the responsibility of Directors to ensure that a proper scheme of delegation has been
established within their area and is operating effectively. The scheme of delegation should
identify staff authorised to act on the Director’s behalf, or on behalf of the authority, in
respect of payments, income collection and placing orders, together with the limits of
their authority. Specifically, authorised signatories and the limits of financial responsibility
should be formally recorded in line with Financial Procedure D2 as issued by the Chief
Finance Officer.
5.5 The Authority is responsible for approving procedures for writing off debts as part of the
overall control framework of accountability and control.
Payments to Employees and Members
5.6 The Director of Corporate Services is responsible for all payments of salaries and wages
to all staff, including payments for overtime, and for payment of allowances to Members.
Imprest and Petty Cash Accounts
5.7 The Chief Finance Officer in consultation with Directors may make imprest/petty cash
advances to officers for the purposes of paying minor items of expenditure and any other
items as may be approved.
5.8 The Chief Finance Officer reserves the right to withdraw petty cash/imprest facilities from
officers if it is deemed that they are being used inappropriately or the expenditure limit is
exceeded or a deficit balance is accrued.
5.9 The accounts should be kept on the imprest system and officers should maintain a record
of their receipts and payments in a form and manner prescribed by the Chief Finance
Purchasing Cards
5.10 The Chief Finance Officer may make available to nominated officers Purchasing Card
facilities and will determine the application and approval process and set out the terms
and conditions on which the cards are to be issued.
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5.11 Directors are responsible for ensuring that they or any staff in their services issued with
Purchasing Cards comply with the terms and conditions of use and remain within any
financial or credit limits imposed. The Chief Finance Officer reserves the right to
withdraw the use of any Credit or Purchase Card if it is deemed that they are being used
inappropriately or the financial or credit limit is exceeded.
5.12 Directors are responsible for maintaining, retaining, presenting and/or completing any
documentation, forms or electronic records in accordance
Cash Collection Facilities
5.13 The Chief Finance Officer shall approve the form of all cash collection facilities and
associated procedures. This includes safes, automated cash collection machines and other
cash collection facilities. Directors shall ensure that all relevant procedures issued by the
Chief Finance Officer are complied with including the requirements of the corporate
banking contract and security carrier contracts.
VAT & Taxation
5.14 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for advising Directors, in the light of guidance
issued by appropriate bodies and relevant legislation as it applies, on all taxation issues
that affect the authority.
5.15 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for maintaining the authority’s tax records,
making all tax payments, receiving tax credits and submitting tax returns by their due date
as appropriate. The Director of Corporate Services will be required to maintain income
tax and national insurance records in accordance with guidelines set by the Chief Finance
Control of Contracts
5.16 It is essential that all Directors follow Contract Standing Orders as well as Financial
Regulations. The achievement of value for money when procuring goods and services is a
key task to ensure that public money is well spent.
Banking Arrangements
5.17 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for ensuring that the authority operates sound
banking systems where its financial transactions are accurately documented and evidenced
by reconciliations. The Authority shall approve all banking contract terms and conditions.
Financial Limits
5.18 Financial limits need to be set in the interests of good governance and financial
management. The Chief Executive is responsible for determining financial limits of
authority for Directors who in turn are responsible for delegating financial limits to their
officers as appropriate.
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6.1 The Authority provides a distinctive leadership role for the community in partnership
with the district and county councils and brings together the contributions of various
stakeholders. It must also act to achieve the protection, improvement and promotion of
the environment , together with seeking to foster the economic andsocial or
environmental well-being of its area in pursuance of the National Park purposes The 2
purposes and duty of the Park are:
To conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the area
To promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities
of the Park by the public
Duty to foster the economic and social wellbeing of local communities within the
National Park.
6.2 The Vision for the National Park adopted by the Authority is intended to facilitate
partnership working. The focus for forming partnerships with other public, private,
voluntary and community sector organisations must be the Vision for the National Park
and the Authority’s Corporate Plan.
6.3 The Monitoring Officer will ensure that partnership working arrangements comply with all
legal requirements affecting the Authority.
6.4 The Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer must advise on the overall corporate
governance arrangements of partnerships, and ensure that risks have been fully appraised
before partnership agreements are entered into.
6.5 The Chief Finance Officer must ensure that the accounting arrangements to be adopted
relating to partnerships and joint ventures are satisfactory. He/she will also maintain a
register of partnerships and other entities in which the authority has an interest in order
to ensure compliance with statutory accounting
6.6 The Authority can delegate partnership related functions to officers. Any powers
exercised by officers on behalf of the Authority in connection with partnership working
must be set out in the scheme of delegation approved by the Authority. Decisions taken
by officers as part of the delegation arrangements are binding on the Authority.
6.7 The Senior Management Team represents the authority on partnership and external
bodies. Directors are responsible for ensuring that appropriate approvals are obtained
before any negotiations are concluded in relation to work with external bodies.
External Funding
6.8 The Chief Finance Officer is responsible for ensuring that all funding notified by external
bodies is received and properly recorded in the Authority’s accounts including completion
and submission of grant claims.
Work for Third Parties
6.9 The Authority is responsible for approving the contractual arrangements for any work for
third parties or external bodies although this may be delegated to officers in accordance
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with the Authority’s scheme of delegation.