Planning Committee - 9 Aug 2010

Location: Lewes Town Hall, High Street, Lewes.
Date and time: 9 Aug 2010 - 10:30 AM

Contact Details:

Rebecca Haynes, Member Services
Tel: 01730 811773 Email:

Richard Shaw
Chief Executive (National Park Officer)


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 12 July 2010

3. Declarations of Interest

Members and officers are invited to make any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on the agenda and are reminded to make any declaration at any stage during the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered.

4. Urgent Items

To consider any matter on the agenda which the Chairman agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency to due special circumstances.

5. Public Participation

The Chair will allow members of the public to ask questions or make statements on any matter on the agenda for this meeting subject to procedures set out in the Public Speaking Protocol. Any member of the public who wishes to address the meeting under this item should notify Annie Leathes (contact details at the end of this agenda) not less than 3 working days before the meeting), and indicate in what capacity he or she would like to speak together with a contact telephone number.

Development Management


6. Application No: 52274/001

Proposal: 96 dwellings, public open space and other infrastructure

Address: Penns Field, Heathfield Road, Petersfield

To consider a report by the Interim Head of Planning (Report PC10/10)

Agenda item 6, Flats 1

Agenda item 6, Flats 2

Agenda item 6, location plan

Agenda item 6, plots 43 to 44

Agenda item 6, plots 66 to 69

Agenda item 6, plots 86 to 87

Agenda item 6, site plan

Agenda item 6, street scene

Agenda iteam 6, Report 10

7. Application No: SDNP/21514/086

Proposal: 20 Dwellings, access roads and landscaping following demolition of existing structures

Address: SCU Leydene, Long Down Lane, East Meon, Petersfield, GU32 1HE

To consider a report by the Interim Head of Planning (Report PC11/10)

Agenda item 7, location plan

Agenda item 7, Plot 2

Agenda item 7, Plot 10

Agenda item 7, plot 12

Agenda item 7, plot 14

Agenda item 7, plot 17

Agenda item 7, plot 18

Agenda item 7, plot 20

Agenda item 7, site plan existing

Agenda item 7, site plan proposed

Agenda item 7, Report 11

Agenda item 7, appendix 1


8. Application No: BV/10/02707/FUL

Proposal: New Bedded Yard

Address: Crouch Farm, Crouch Lane, Barlavington, West Sussex

To consider a report by the Interim Head of Planning (Report PC12/10)

Agenda item 8, block plan

Agenda item 8, location plan

Agenda item 8, Crouch Farm

Agenda item 8, plan elevation

Agenda item 8, Report 12


9. Application No: WD/2001/2180

Proposal: Up to 520 dwellings together with a one form entry primary school incorporating community uses, a convenience store and doctors’ surgery

Address: Polegate Honey Farm, Eastbourne Road, Polegate, East Sussex

To consider a report by the Interim Head of Planning (Report PC13/10)

Agenda item 9, landscape mitigation

Agenda item 9, location plan

Agenda item 9, master plan (Adobe Acrobat)

Agenda item 9, Honey Farm

Agenda item 9 Report 13

10. Quarterly Report

To consider a report by the Interim Head of Planning (Report PC14/10)

Agenda item 10, Report 14

Agenda item 10, Appendix

To all Members of the Planning Committee:

Alun Alesbury, Patrick Burridge, Jo Carr, Peter Gardiner, Neville Harrison, Barbara Holyome, David Jenkins, Minette Palmer, Charles Peck, Andrew Shaxson

Return to index

Meeting Papers